ALG0MA5 at Gaudeamus Festival 11 & 12 September 2021

On The Fly artists in residence will take part in the ALG0MA5 concert. The event will take place on the 11th and 12th of September during the Gaudeamus Festival at Utrecht.

ALG0MA5, presented by Gaudeamus, Creative Coding Utrecht and NL_CL, is a co…

on-the-fly cantina summer/winter break

Dear on-the-fly cantina attendees

As many of us are currently enjoying a well deserved break, on-the-fly cantina will also have a break during August.

Grab a beer or tea, and enjoy the summer/winter according to your location.
We will see each o…

How do the tools we use shape our artistic statement?


Although we all are aware that the tools we use shape our artistic statement maybe we do not talk about it as often as we should. In what way have you become aware of these constraints? Which implications does it have for people building thei…

Live Coding session: Laura Llaneli students from Massana

A new group of live coders composed of young girls is emerging in Massana

On-the-Fly collaborates with the live coder and artist Laura Llaneli.

Laura is teaching live coding to the students of the Massana Permanent course "Sound Art: concep…

Online Workshop of Hydra

On June 7th, On-the-Fly in collaboration with the civic center L’Electric co-organize an online introductory workshop of Hydra: the platform for live coding visuals created by Olivia Jack.

During the workshop, participants will learn how to create and modify visuals from shapes, colors, sound or visual fonts.

The activity will be conducted by Lina Bautista, musician, artist, Toplap Barcelona’s co-founder and artistic coordinator of On-the-Fly.

The aim of this workshop is to engage people, especially youngsters in the critical use of open-sourse tools in a creative way, to develop some skills and also to achieve greater gender equality.

Practical informations

  • 7th of June
  • From 6h:30 to 20:00
  • Online & free
  • The workshop will be held in Spanish
  • Registration is needed

Link for inscriptions available here


On-the-Fly at the Science Biennial

On June 11th On-the-fly, the European project led by Hangar, takes part in the Biennal Ciutat i Ciència with two proposals: La noche – Live coding and La noche – Pecha Kucha express & live coding.

In the fi…

"SuperCollider with tea" (a.k.a SuperCollider meeting)

On May 20th at 06.30 p.m, Hangar hosts "SuperCollider with tea" (a.k.a SuperCollider meeting), a Q&A session dedicated to the practice of live coding through SuperCollider. Shelly Knotts (on-the-fly artist-in-residence) and the TOPLAP-B…

"How alive is a live-streamed Algorave?"

Coming up, the 2nd on-the-fly cantina! 
May’s Monday meetup is titled: “How alive is a live-streamed Algorave?”
As corona-life well and truly passes the one year mark, let us take a moment to reflect on live-streamed Algoraves and other live-coded performances. Whilst these online events have become an integral part of cultural life, how much of the Algorave essence and vibe is still there? Are we dancing in our living rooms, pumping the music loud enough to feel the beats in our bones? Are live-coders still making the same type of music for the at home Algorave experience? Or is it anyway time to focus more on live streamed performances so as to reduce the carbon footprint of the touring artists and to level the playing field for those who can’t afford or are unable to travel?
Grab a beer or tea, and come share your thoughts with us on May 10 at  8PM CEST on
Anne, Dare, Iván, Luka and Patrick
(the on-the-fly research group)

Algopolis – International livecoding meeting

DATE: Friday, 14 May 2021 | 3pm-11pm
LOCATION: osmo/za (8th floor), Slovenska 54, Ljubljana
LIVE STREAM: web live stream YT and Radio Študent

More about live coding

Live coding does not run by a common notation, and the instruments for i…

Rarefacció: Giulia Deval / Niklas Reppel

On April 30th at 6 pm, Hangar will be presenting the fourth session of Rarefacció, a cycle curated by Sergi Botella that aims to present proposals that revolve around music and the underbelly of an experimental and unconventional viewpoint. The …

ProxySpace: a day dedicated to live coding

On May 5th, MUTEK ES and On-the-Fly, a European project led by Hangar, co-organize ProxySpace, a day dedicated to live coding workshops and performances. Live coding is a performative technique focused on writing algorithms in real …