Introduction to Gibber

Above is a quick intro to Gibber, quickly demonstrating its audio and new (to me) drawing capabilities. You also get … More

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Overtone 0.9 Released

Version 0.9 of Overtone, the Collaborative Live Coding toolkit, was recently announced. Overtone provides a Clojure language front-end to the SuperCollider synthesis … More

Live hacking with Overtone

There’s a lot of buzz around overtone at the moment, a live coding language/environment built on Clojure and the SuperCollider … More

TOPLAPapp in the browser

Continuing the rush to browser-based live coding, the sonic, abstract live coding puzzle TOPLAPapp by the mysterious Click Nilson now runs in … More

Bret Victor on Live Coding

Bret Victor has another insightful essay up about “learnable coding”, which he says is an “immune response” to people saying … More