Sound Choreography Body Code

There’s a kinaesthetic fringe growing around the usual audio/visual TOPLAP activities, where people live code other people, or even themselves, … More


The algorave concept kicked off last month, with events in Brighton and London, and then a 100% live coded algorave in … More

Livecodefest done

festival weekendFull props to the organisers, that was an incredible, difficult-to-summarise live.code.festival  of great people, food, beer, slides, and of … More


The concept of the algorave first popped up as a pre-party for the 2012 supercollider festival, and is now growing legs. … More

Live Coding in Mexico City

Felicitaciones to Centro Multimedia in Mexico City, who are preparing for their 20th live coding event on the 25th October. … More

ICMC 2012


TOPLAP members are currently swarming into Ljubljana for the anual International Computer Music Conference. If you’re also attending or happen … More