LIVE INTERFACES, 7th-8th September 2012, Leeds

LIVE INTERFACES: Performance, Art, Music

Date: 7th-8th September, 2012
Venue: ICSRiM, School of Music, University of Leeds, UK

Registration is open now, only £30 for both days:

Registration will stay open while places remain, or until 30th August
at the latest.

Live Interfaces is a single-track international conference on live,
technology-mediated interaction in performance.  The conference seeks
to investigate cross-disciplinary understandings of performance
technology with a particular focus on issues related to the notion of
liveness in interaction.

All papers and performances have been through cross-disciplinary peer
review, contributing diverse perspectives on liveness in performance
technology.  Paper and performance sessions will alternate through
both days, connecting performance practice and research together.

Daytime papers will be delivered through both lecture and poster
presentation, and performances will be staged in the Clothworkers’
Centenary Concert Hall.  In addition, the Friday night will feature
club performances in the Hi-Fi club in Leeds city centre.

A preliminary programme, including lists of papers and performances,
is available on the website:

Please get in contact if you have any questions.

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