Live Notation Unit

Sam Aaron performing at the Live Notation Unit, Arnolfini

Live Notation: Transforming Matters of Performance was a six month research development cycle, funded by the AHRC, under their Digital Transformations theme.  It supported the development of Live Coding as a research theme, most radically by supporting a dialogue between Live Artists and Live Coders.  The project was coordinated by live artist Hester Reeve and myself Alex McLean, with important contributions from many other participants.

Many events were crammed into this short timespan, and the project documentation is now beginning to appear on the website.  So far you can see some beautiful photographs of the live coders performances at the final event at the Bristol Arnolfini, which was called the Live Notation Unit.  This was a truly philosophical engagement, and papers and transcripts from the events will follow over the next couple of weeks.

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