Piston LP released

I am pleased to announce the official release of Piston LP on Bandcamp. Piston LP is composed in Tidal and performed/recorded in a single take, and best heard as loud as humanly possible.

[bandcamp width=400 height=406 album=1254596736 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=fe7eaf artwork=small]

You can listen to an unbroken SoundCloud stream here, but I try to encourage traffic to the official release page on Bandcamp because every download buys me a London pint. Speaking of which, cheers buddy!

In the spirit of FOSS, I have also made my Bitbucket repository public with a reasonably complete history of the album’s development and some of my own daft interjections. I apologise for the present state of the README, I intend to add sample attributions, a clearer license permitting remixes and other notes soon!

If you didn’t get the chance to see me perform Piston LP in Manchester last month, I’m performing again at Power Lunches in London on the 18th alongside uh… a whole lot of other people! Go check out the Facebook event for more information.

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