Livecoding into print

I’ve just launched a series of unique print pieces based on my performances creating visuals at various Algorave events in the UK.

While performing liveĀ I’ve been auto-capturing snapshots of the visuals output at two second intervals, which I’ve then stitched back together (via a simple Processing sketch) to create finished prints.

Prints are labelled subtly with a lat/long reference as well as the precise date and time, so there’s some indication of where in space and time the print represents. Each print is numbered, and will never be reissued – once they’re gone, they’re gone.



More details information on the series can be found here, or to purchase a print they’re available online now. I’ll also be producing more editions of the prints at future gigs, the next one being the London Algorave. Here’s an idea of what they look like, the top one is from the Sheffield Algorave and the bottom one is from Manchester:

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