Open call for ZKM Giga-Hertz Award 2021

Submission Period March 1 – June 25, 2021
Registration starts on March 1, 2021
Application deadline: June 25, 2021 (23:59 CEST) .

Online Registration here!
See full details at the official website here:

About the Award:

Since 2007, the ZKM | Hertz-Lab (formerly Institute for Music and Acoustics) and the SWR Experimentalstudio have awarded the annual Giga-Hertz Award for electronic music and sound art.

The Giga-Hertz Award 2021 is endowed with a total of 20,000 € in prize money. The Giga-Hertz main award for the lifetime achievement, which is 10,000 €, will be determined by suggestion from the jury and is not selected from the applications. The two internationally oriented Giga-Hertz Production Awards, each endowed with 5,000 €, serve to initiate and promote new projects and are aimed at sound artists and composers of electronic and electroacoustic music as well as mixed music.

This year, there is a topical focus on »BioMedia«, which will be relevant for at least one of the awards. Peter Weibel outlines the topic with the following words: »After the moving machines of the 19th century and the moving image media of the 20th century, the horizon of BioMedia opens up in the 21st century. We are looking for biomimetic, especially acoustic, artworks that exhibit life-like behavior, i.e., that are autogenerative, autopoietic, responsive, AI-assisted, and algorithmically controlled. Expect the Unexpected: the unexpected, the unpredictable, the unplannable, the uncontrollable can be part of the algorithmic process.«

Beyond that, applications outside of the topical focus are also welcome.

Candidates for the Production Awards will be judged on the basis of a composition not older than five years and a proposal for a new projected work. The focus of the Production Awards is on the exceptional quality of the submitted work. The competition is advertised publicly each year and is open to composers of all ages.

In order to reflect the diversity in the field of electronic music, we explicitly call upon all persons who feel addressed by the call to apply.

All compositions submitted should meet at least one of the following criteria:

Composition for live electronics
Fixed-Media composition
Mixed Music
Audiovisual composition
Concert installation
Transmedia composition
Experimental sound performance
Interdisciplinary performance (with relevant music or sound components)

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