Live coding socials

Perhaps live coding of music really only becomes actual music when communities form around it. Suddenly, three live coding related meetup groups are starting up:

The Live Coding Conspiracy, Berlin
“Live coding, music, graphics, dance, fabric and everything. Goal: To discover Programming as a performance art.”

Livecode.ZH, Zurich
“Creating and composing music using code. If you have algorithms in your music (or visuals!) say hello. We are very likely to discuss techniques and aesthetics, and also practical tools…”

Twin Cities Computer Music Interest Group, Minneapolis
“We are people who are interested in using computers to make music, using such programs as Csound, SuperCollider, Pure Data, and MAX/MSP. Our interests include algorithmic composition, livecoding, and sound design.”

Looking forward to seeing what comes out of these!

Talking of social live coding, back in January we had a pubcode event in Sheffield, a resurrection of an earlier idea. It was after a live coding workshop, so at that point a lot of people knew how to code in Tidal. So with a projection, a wireless keyboard and some fine local ale, we passed the keyboard around taking turns to develop the music. Post-neo-acid-folk? Who knows.. Here’s a suitably shaky video..

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