/*vivo*/ 2013: Simposio Internacional de Música y Código [redes]

/*vivo*/ is the name of the annual symposium in México organized by the Taller de Audio of the Centro Multimedia at the CENART, led by Hernani Villaseñor and Ernesto Romero. This year the topic was redes (Spanish for network) and included guests from the U.S.A., U.K., Germany as well as many local artists involved with network music and audiovisual performances.

Impressions of vivo 2013 - collage by Eduardo Obieta
Impressions of vivo 2013 – collage by Eduardo Obieta

In a big combined effort and collaboration between various institutions (CENART, Fonoteca Nacional, Centro Cultural de España, Casa Vecina) and lots of helpers, this symposium set a fine example for how you can combine academic talks, workshops and concerts in a casual environment open to all people, not only academics, and with remarkable free admittance to all the events. This, and the effort of the graphics and music institutions of CENART have made the local computer music scene very lively and fruitful. The yearly topics are adapted to the necessities of the community, last year’s [live coding] /*vivo*/ was a remarkable event, and this year’s [redes] was even cause to create the LiveCodeNet Ensemble, synthesizing both topics of last and this year.

LiveCodeNet Ensamble @ /*vivo*/ 2013
LiveCodeNet Ensamble @ /*vivo*/ 2013

Installations, concerts, talks, workshops, discussions, nice food and good drinks made this symposium a lovely event. You can feel the spirit of the open source not only in the software they use, but also in the participatory performances and the people itself. Also the liveness, as well as being the name of the symposium, was omnipresent in all aspects of the festival, from improvised music for mobile phones orchestra (Ernesto Romero), to translocated performances between U.S.A, China, Germany and México (Glitch Lich, Haiko Jones), immersive audiovisual setups (Rorschach 3.2), networked live coding (Livecodenet ensemble), the multiple Algorave headliners Mico Rex, and many more aspects of network music depicted by all kinds of performances that took place in this event. Here is a list of all participants.

We are curious about the next topics of /*vivo*/ and looking forward to see and hear more from this active and fruitful mexican community of composers, performers, live coders, performers and artists that have so much to show!  For more impresions of /*vivo*/ there are several pictures and animated gifs at Eduardo Obieta’s site.


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