Perspectives on multichannel live coding

Upcoming in UPF Barcelona – a multichannel live coding concert with 16 speakers, from 7:30pm on the 4th October 2013. It’ll be interesting to see how the different artists approach addressing multichannel improvisation with code. Two of the performances, from Graham Coleman and myself (Alex McLean) will be remote, adding an extra layer of danger, uncertainty and hopefully interest. Miquel Parera, Gerard Roma and Anna Xambó will also perform locally.

I’ll be transmitting my performance from the multichannel studios in the School of Music, University of Leeds, let me know if you’re in the area and want to join me there.

By the way what they’ve done with the TOPLAP logo is excellent. You can find out the story behind the original logo on the TOPLAP wiki.

Full info on the event is here.

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